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Planting Seeds of Security: New Moon in Taurus Meets the Hierophant/Elder
New Moon in Taurus Meets the Hierophant/Elder

Illuminating Ambitions: The Full Moon in Capricorn
The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs when the Moon is directly opposite the Sun in Cancer.

Tet (ט) and the Hermit: Embracing Solitude and Spiritual Enlightenment
In the realm of tarot and Hebrew mysticism, symbols intertwine to convey profound messages. One such captivating connection exists...

Hey (ה) and the Elder: Exploring Tradition and Divine Guidance
In tarot, the Hierophant, also known as the Elder, represents an archetype deeply rooted in tradition, stability, and spiritual...

Gimel (ג) and the Empress: Nurturing Abundance and Creative Growth
In the realm of tarot, the Empress card holds profound significance, representing an archetype of nurturing, abundance, and creative...
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