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Planting Seeds of Security: New Moon in Taurus Meets the Hierophant/Elder
New Moon in Taurus Meets the Hierophant/Elder

Harnessing the Power of Flower Essences at the Full Moon in Taurus
The Full Moon in Taurus is a time of stability, sensuality, and earthly delights. It's an excellent opportunity to ground yourself, align...

Hey (ה) and the Elder: Exploring Tradition and Divine Guidance
In tarot, the Hierophant, also known as the Elder, represents an archetype deeply rooted in tradition, stability, and spiritual...

Gimel (ג) and the Empress: Nurturing Abundance and Creative Growth
In the realm of tarot, the Empress card holds profound significance, representing an archetype of nurturing, abundance, and creative...

Myth of Taurus
In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is associated with the bull myth. The myth of Taurus tells the story of Zeus,...
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