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Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: A Journey of Desire and Surrender
In conjunction with a lunar eclipse, the full moon in Pisces is a time for introspection, spiritual growth, and emotional release.

Navigating the Capricorn Full Moon Through the Lens of Binah
On July 21st, 2024, we have a second full moon in Capricorn. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is assigned to the third Sphere on the Tree...

Keter, the Kabbalah Tree of Life and Pluto in Tarot
Tarot readers, have you ever gazed upon the blank white space at the very top of the Tree of Life and felt a pang of "what lies beyond?"...

The Lovers and Temperance: Embracing the Full Moon in Sagittarius
The full moon in Sagittarius ♐️ offers an electrifying blend of energies into the cosmos. It invites us to embark on a journey of...

Planting Seeds of Security: New Moon in Taurus Meets the Hierophant/Elder
New Moon in Taurus Meets the Hierophant/Elder

A Gemini New Moon: Love, Duality, and the Power of Choice
The new moon arrives in the curious energy of Gemini

Chaph (כ) and Strength: Unleashing Inner Power and Compassion
Discover the profound connection between the Strength card in tarot and the Hebrew letter Chaph (כ). Both symbols embody strength,...

Vav (ו) and the Lovers: Embracing Choice and Connection
The Lovers card in the tarot embodies the archetype of choice, unity, and harmony. Depicted as a couple standing before an angel or...

Malkuth on the Tree of Life
Malkuth is the tenth sphere on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. It represents the physical world and the manifestation of...

Yesod on the Tree of Life
Yesod is the ninth sephira or sphere in the Tree of Life in Kabbalah, located beneath Tiphareth and above Malkuth. It is associated with...

Hod on the Tree of Life
Hod is the eighth Sephirot on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. It is located on the left pillar of the tree, beneath Binah...

Netzah on the Tree of Life
Netzah is the seventh Sephira on the Tree of Life in Kabbalistic tradition, situated in the lower part of the Pillar of Mercy. It...

Tiphareth on the Tree of Life
Tiphareth is the sixth Sephirah on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. It is often translated as "beauty". It represents the...

Gevurah on the Tree of Life
Gevurah is the fifth Sephirah on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. It is often translated as "strength" or "severity" and...

Chesed on the Tree of Life
Chesed is the fourth Sephirah on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. It is often translated as "loving-kindness" or "mercy"...

Binah on the Tree of Life
Binah is the third Sephirah on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. It is often translated as "understanding" and represents...

Chochma on the Tree of Life
Chochma is the second Sephirah on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. It is often translated as "wisdom" and represents the...
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