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5 mudras for creating wellbeing

Our universe is made up of five basic elements - space, air, fire, earth, and water. The ancient sages intuited that our hands hold the energetic points for these five elements. Mudras (hand gestures) are a way of manipulating these elements with the intention of creating wellbeing, providing health and empowerment.

Mudras are held with both hands, resting them comfortably on your thighs for three minutes initially, working up to 45 minutes a day. You can break up the time into three sessions of fifteen minutes each. They may be used during meditation, while out walking, sitting at your desk, chanting Mantras - in fact, anywhere you have time to be with your breath and body. I especially use Mudras to give myself an energetic tune-up if I’m not able to move my body much.

The Elements relating to each thumb and finger are:

Thumb - Space

Index Finger - Air

Middle Finger - Fire

Ring Finger - Earth

Pinky Finger - Water

Elements of Space and Air

Gyan Mudra: Thumb touching the tip of your index finger, other fingers are straight out, palms up.

The intention of this Mudra is to improve memory and concentration.

Elements of Space and Fire

Shuni Mudra: Thumb touching the tip of your middle finger, other fingers are straight out, palms up.

The intention of this Mudra is to purify your emotions and thoughts, increase intuition and sensory powers.

Elements of Space and Earth

Surya Mudra: The tip of your ring finger touches the base of your thumb, the thumb folds over the ring finger, other fingers are straight out, palms up.

The intention of this Mudra is to increase fire in the body, boosting metabolism and digestion. It is useful to ward off colds as it increases the body’s core temperature.

Elements of Space and Water

Buddhi Mudra: Thumb tip touching the tip of your pinky finger, other fingers straight out, palms up.

The intention of this Mudra is to assist in understanding our subconscious communications (dreams, meditations), gain intuitive insight and mental clarity.

All the Elements

Hakini Mudra: Touch your thumb tips and finger tips together lightly with the fingers slightly bent and rest your hands in your lap.

The intention of this Mudra is to integrate the left and right sides of the brain and body, bringing a sense of focus, calm and ease.

There are many more Mudras for you to explore. Have a play with these ones and let me know how you get on.

Wishing you peace, joy and wellbeing.


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