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New Moon in Libra: A Journey of Balance and Choice

The New Moon in Libra: A Time for Harmony and Justice

The New Moon in Libra is a time for introspection and setting intentions related to balance, harmony, and justice. This New Moon invites us to explore our relationships with ourselves and others and seek ways to create more equitable and harmonious interactions.

Elemental Soul Tarot, Justice Card, Kabbalah Tree of Life, Chet ח
Elemental Soul Tarot Justice Card

The Tarot Card of Justice: A Symbol of Equilibrium

The 8th Tarot card, Justice, is associated with the Libra. The number 8 represents fairness, impartiality, and the law of cause and effect - what goes around, comes around. It reminds us of the importance of weighing both sides of a situation before making a decision and of the consequences of our actions.

The Kabbalistic Path of Choice: From Binah to Gevurah

In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the pathway from the 3rd Sphere, Binah (Understanding), to the 5th Sphere, Gevurah (Strength), is associated with the Hebrew letter Chet ח. This letter has a literal meaning of "life" and a spiritual meaning of "choice." This pathway represents the process of making conscious choices that can shape our lives and experiences.

Kabbalah Oracle Deck - Chet ח, Tree of Life
Kabbalah Oracle Deck - Chet ח

The Impact of the Solar Eclipse

The solar eclipse occurring during this Libra New Moon adds an extra layer of intensity and potential for transformation. Solar eclipses are often associated with significant life events, new beginnings, and the unveiling of hidden truths. During this time, you may be called to let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you and embrace new ways of being.

Tips for Navigating the Libra Energy:

Cultivate Harmony in Your Relationships: Take time to evaluate your relationships and identify areas for improvement in communication and understanding. Seek to balance giving and receiving, and strive for fairness and respect in all your interactions.

Practice Self-Care and Balance: Prioritise your well-being and create a balanced lifestyle. Engage in activities that promote relaxation, self-care, and personal growth.

Make Conscious Choices: Reflect on your values and beliefs and make conscious choices that align with your authentic self. Trust your intuition and be mindful of the consequences of your actions.

Seek Justice and Fairness: Advocate for fairness and equality in your own life and in the world around you. Stand up for what is right and work towards creating a more just and equitable society. Your actions matter, and they can make a difference.

By embracing the energy of the New Moon in Libra, the Tarot card of Justice, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life path of choice, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and harmonious living.



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